Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Rain Boots

My mom and I were shopping at Target for boots for her. She wanted to get a tall pair so she could continue kayaking at Lake Arrowhead even though the water is cold. Well, they were such a good deal I decided to get a pair for myself! Of course, the real reason I bought them was the color! Hot pink with white polka dots!!! Since then I've been looking for a pair for Laura. She needs rain boots as well. I couldn't find them in her size at Target so my next stop was the Children's Place Outlet in Barstow. Wow. They were having great sales. We are now done with our Christmas shopping for all the nieces and nephews!! I found this cute pair there; I love the cupcakes on them. We tried them on her that night and she wouldn't take them off. The next day she wanted to wear them all day again. She loves them!

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