Laura now goes on the potty! She is showing her bear that has panties too! We are so proud of her! At first she got a jelly bean when she went on the potty, but once those ran out we went to plain MnM's. But now she says, "I want a BIG MnM!" (A peanut one. Smart girl! Plain ones are a waste of chocolate!)

The worst accidents: we went for Ryan's 2 month checkup. I left the car seat in the car and figured I would hold him on my lap. We checked in and while waiting to be called I started nursing him while Laura was playing with the toys at the office. She ran over to me and said I have to go potty! In the 10 seconds I ran through the scenario in my head, 'Ryan doesn't have a car seat, I'lll have to lay him on the floor, eww gross' she peed. I thought, At least I have an extra pair of underwaer and shorts in the diaper bag. We got in the room and I changed Ryan. The nurse said she would bring me a bag to put his diaper in. While she went to get it, I smelled something...Laura had pooped. So I changed her into the clean pair and threw the dirty ones in the bag with the diaper. I had no regrets letting those go! Then we went straight to the library. We had story time and craft time. I let Laura do one puzzle and told her it's time to go. She said, Mama, I went. I looked down, and there was a puddle on her chair. Ohhhhh..... I was so embarassed to have to tell the librarian that we had an accident.
She has been pretty good the last few days, only a few accidents. Having Aizlyn here helped because she would sit on the big potty. Laura now likes to sit on the big potty too, which is easier that cleaning out her potty!